Why Mediation

In the past, the usual method of conflict resolution involved an adversarial approach by settling the dispute through litigation in the court system.  Unfortunately, this process is expensive, uncertain and time consuming.  Additionally, many disputing parties oftentimes need to preserve aspects of their relationship in order to conduct future business, or in the case of family disputes, maintain the harmony required for effective parenting.  Sadly, because of the adversarial nature of litigation, relationships that may need some degree of preservation are often further damaged.  Litigation tends to emphasize and exaggerate differences and thus drives people further apart.  Mediation brings people together.  A mediator creates a safe environment for disputing parties and works with them so that they can better understand the nature of their conflict and of each other.  Rather than driving you further apart, a mediator will help you to find common ground and mutual interests so that you may create an agreement that will work better for you both.

Get on with your life in a more positive manner.  Reduce stress.  Save time, money and preserve relationships.  There is a better way.  Mediate.

A note to parents in conflict: When children are involved, it is crucial that their parents resolve their conflict in the most positive and respectful manner possible.  Children need to know that they are free to love you both.  You want what is best for them.  No matter how difficult or impossible your conflict might seem, we can help you move ahead with your lives and get your children out of the crossfire of your dispute.

Click Here to Learn More  -  Mediation: The Better Way








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Colorado ADR Services

Miles E. Davies, JD has been a practicing mediator and arbitrator in the Denver area since 1996.